A place for Inspiration...Where our Imaginations can take flight.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Once upon a Wing

I designed my garden specifically to invite birds and butterflies to it...

Flocks of finches visit all year...

A mating pair of blue jays return each year and nest in my neighbors yard.
I feed them peanuts and get to watch them teach their young to fly each year.

I have even had an unwelcome 3 ft tall white egret fishing in my pond.
I had to chase him away and cover my pond for a few days.

This beautiful butterfly was perched on my nectarine tree blossoms last season.
I was thrilled to see it and so happy with this shot!

This poor Monarch was injured and lethargic fluttering around like it was tired...
which is why I was able to hold it.
You can see the crack in it's upper wing.  Lovely little thing.

Have a beautiful weekend!!!

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