A place for Inspiration...Where our Imaginations can take flight.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Spring is SpRiNgInGiNg...

"The Earth Laughs in Flowers"
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Emerson is probably my favorite poet, all though I really don't have a favorite poet any more than I have a single favorite flower, color, food, artistic style or music.
  I can find beauty in just about everything and everyone.

So, my Yard is Laughing in Flowers at the Moment and even my dogs love it!

Most of my property gets full sun, so naturally sun loving plants do very well here.
I really love camellias, but this poor bush really struggles in my yard.
To my delight, it had some lovely blossoms this year, probably thanks to all of the rain.

Monday, April 12, 2010



I dream 


giving birth

a child

who will ask

what was war?'
- Eve Merriam

Having done a fair bit of writing lately as well as working on my Mother's Day jewelery has turned my thoughts, eyes and fingers to my collection of poetry books.  While reading through a collection of poems on Motherhood, I found the above.
Profound for two reasons, the first being obvious.  

War is stupid.

The second being the title...as Fantasia 1 & 2 by Disney are two movies I adore.

May our children or their children one day see a world truly at Peace.

Friday, April 9, 2010


All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us - Tolkien
Sometimes it seems there is not enough time.
Sometimes it seems like we walk in circles trying to decide what to do.
Sometimes is seems like we are spinning our wheels in the wrong direction.

May you have clarity and a firm belief that you are where you are suppose to be and doing what it is you need to do with the time given to you, because we all have different gifts, paths and may no one tell you that you are wrong...

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Spring Blossoms

What is it about Spring?  It awakens the soul.  I liken it to opening the window after a long cold winter to let the fresh air in.

Spring is just that, a breath of fresh air.

I Love it.

It is gorgeous outside today, so gorgeous, I can’t stay inside.

I worked in the garden, clipping some flowers, picking some lemons and grapefruit...then I sat on the patio sketching and then off into my tiny Cottage Studio to play with Textiles.  What GLORIOUS weather today.

Thought I’d share my flowers with you...

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Feeling Spritely!

Could the Southern California weather be any prettier right now?

Spring is upon us and I am yearning to sit outdoors and paint.

Sharing some inspiration with you...
Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair...

Create something Beautiful for YOU today!